Tuesday, August 30, 2011

I'm gonna miss this...

A fellow blogger encouraged us to write a blog on what we as mothers are going to miss someday. Being a mother gets so busy and hectic sometimes you forget that these days will not last forever. That someday my little ones will be grown and I will look back and miss the toys strewn all over the floor that I always seem to trip on or stub my toes on, dirty diapers, my clothes covered in spit-up, the sleepless nights to feed baby or take care of a toddler with a nightmare, and the early mornings being woke up by a sweet little face "hi mommy" and than same full of energy child promptly jumping on my bed and I'm just wishing for a few more minutes of sleep. It's hard to imagine I'm going to miss those things, but I know I will. When I really stop to think what will I miss when my children are grown though, I think it will be my son asking me all day long "help mommy, wash dishes". Some days I'm too busy and I say not right now, sometimes I'm too tired, and other times my patience is running thin, but I've been striving to let him "help" me as much as possible. Even though it takes longer to get done and there is usually a big mess for me to clean up afterwards. So yes, water everywhere and the help is actually more work for me, but if I remind myself to just enjoy the moment, I remember floors dry and so do little boys and really why do I need to rush through my chores, the reason I'm here is because I'm training and teaching this little boy...Isn't that my job as a Mommy!? Not how fast I can finish my chores or how perfect the work is when done. So I will let him "help" me wash the dishes, because someday he will realize that it is work not play and than I will miss this!

1 comment:

  1. It's sooo soo true. Thanks for remembering with us!! =)
